Sample 2
Sample 2. (P195, 4) D: Excuse me, 1 ? I’m completely lost. G: Oh, I’m sorry. I’m a stranger here myself. Why don’t you ask the policeman over there? D: Excuse me, officer. I’m asking about the way to the train station. P: 2 . Just get off at the last stop there it is. D: Yes, But No.12, 3 ? P: Walk along this street. 4 . You’ll see the bus stop there. D: Thanks a lot. P: 5 . 参考答案: 1: can you tell me where the train\railway station is; Or: can you show me the way to the train\railway station. 2: You may take Bus No.12\ Bus No.12 will take you there. 3: but where is the nearest bus stop\but how can I get to the nearest bus stop\ but how can I find the nearest bus stop 4: Turn right at the second traffic lights 5: You’re welcome\ My pleasure
Sample 3. (P195, 5) Jimmy: Hi. 1 . Jerry: I’m glad to see you, too. What’s up? Jimmy: Would you like to 2 ? Jerry: All weekend? Jimmy: Well, just Saturday Sunday. Jerry: I’m not sure I can go all weekend. 3 . Jimmy: 4 ? We could start early on Sunday. Jerry: I might be able to do that. Let me check. 5 . Jimmy: Great! I’ll talk to you later. Jerry: So long. 参考答案: 1: I’m glad to see you. 2: go swimming this weekend 3: I promised to help my sister move on Saturday 4: How about Sunday 5: I’ll call you tonight |
Sample 4
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